- General Terms & Conditions
1.1 General Terms and Conditions: the General Terms and Conditions used by House of InnerPower, which are published on the website of House of InnerPower www.innerpowerhouse.com
These General Terms and Conditions can also always be downloaded from the website.
1.2 Registration form: registration for the online and offline Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats organized by House of InnerPower can be done by returning the registration form and paying the deposit or the total amount. There is an agreement when the House of InnerPower confirms the booking by sending a personal e-mail confirmation to the participant and after the participant pays the deposit or full amount.
1.3 Participant: the person that participates in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training, Retreat organised by House of InnerPower.
1.4 Deposit: in case a booking occurs more than 30 days before the start of the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training, Retreat, the participant pays a deposit, which counts as a deposit for participation in the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training, Retreat.
1.5 The House of InnerPower is located in The Netherlands, Sprengenkampweg 1 8171RL Vaassen and is registered in the trade register under number KVK82222797 Radiant Inner Sun and VAT number NL144599600B02
1.6 Price: the total price of the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Training and Retreats, including the Deposit.
1.7 Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats: the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats organized by House of InnerPower.
1.8 Participant: the person that has a confirmed booking and will be present at a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat organized by House of InnerPower.
1.9 Website: the website of House of InnerPower: www.innerpowerhouse.com
- Applicability
2.1 The General Terms and Conditions apply to all Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats. In case of sending an inquiry or booking request for a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat, the participant agrees to these General Terms and Conditions and the payment conditions of this Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat.
2.2 The House of InnerPower may change these General Terms and Conditions from time to time. The most recent version of the General Terms and Conditions is always the valid version and is always available on the Website.
- Participation in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat and Registration fee
3.1 A Participant may participate in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat after this participant has registered with House of InnerPower in advance and has paid the deposit or full amount.
Registration can be done via the Website or by e-mail via info@innerpoweryoga.eu.
Participation in the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat is guaranteed after House of InnerPower has received the payment of the price or the Deposit and after House of InnerPower confirm the booking by sending a personal confirmation email to the Participant.
3.2 For some Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats, a so-called early booking discount applies or a special action applies. This reduced rate is valid until the date stated on the Website. After the early booking discount date, or after the campaign period, the normal rate, also mentioned on the Website, applies without exception.
- Payment
4.1 Participation in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat must be paid prior to the activity to be followed. Payment can be made via a direct bank transfer to the bank account of Radiant Innersun (House of InnerPower), or can be done via our payment system Mollie, iDEAL, Credit Card, PayPal or any other way of paying via the Website.
4.2 When participating in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat, the Deposit must be paid no later than 14 days after booking confirmation. The remaining amount of the Price must be paid no later than 30 days before the start of the planned Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat.
4.3 For bookings that occur less than 30 days before the start of the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat, the entire amount of the Price must be paid immediately (within 5 days after booking confirmation or after 48 hours if there are only a few days left before the start of the event or course).
4.4 In case the payment is overdue, the payment House of InnerPower has the right to cancel the booking. However, this does not release the participant from his payment obligation.
- Cancellation Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat
Up to 14 days after booking the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat, or up to 14 days after signing the agreement, or up to 90 days before the start of the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat the participant can cancel their presence at the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat free of charge.
After 90 days the following agreements apply:
5.1 Cancellation of participation in a planned Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat can only take place by email: info@innerpoweryoga.eu.
5.2 Cancellation between 90 days and four weeks before the start: the participant will pay 75% of the Price;
5.3 Cancellation between 30 days before the start and the actual start: the participant will pay 100% of the Price;
5.4 If you are personally unable to attend, it is possible to have someone else take over your place, free of charge.
5.5 In the event of cancellation by House of InnerPower for well-grounded reasons, such as insufficient participants, illness of a member of the House of InnerPower team or in case of force majeure, the participant will be offered an alternative Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat for the same monetary value (via a new contract) or the already (possibly only the deposit ) paid Price to House of InnerPower will be refunded.
The participant will always be informed of this cancellation at least 15 days before the start of the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat.
5.6 Participation in the program during the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat is on a voluntary basis. Participants are free to refrain from the program to be followed.
Withdrawal from participation in the program or a part thereof does not entitle the participant to reimburse the already paid Deposit and/or Price and the participant also has no right to a substitute activity.
- Covid and cancelation
Special COVID 19 cancelation applies: if the training/courseworkshop/holiday/retreat is unable to take place due to Covid regulations, the customer will be given the following options: book another date, book another training or retreat, take the course online, accept a voucher. In the case the customer is not able to join another date in the following year, we will refund the deposit paid after that period.
- Cancellation participation Workshop
7.1 Up to two weeks before the planned date of the Workshop, the Participant can cancel his registration free of charge. This can be e-mailed to info@innerpoweryoga.eu
6.2 Up to 7 days before the planned date of the Workshop the Participant can cancel his registration, in which case the registration fee will be refunded with deduction of € 15, – administration costs.
6.3 If the Participant cancels his registration within 7 days before the planned date of the Workshop, no registration fee will be refunded.
6.4 House of InnerPower reserves the right to cancel the Workshop if there are valid reasons, including insufficient participants, illness of the teacher or force majeure. In that case, the Price already paid by the Participants will be refunded.
- Program and location Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat and location
8.1 You can find the program of the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat on the website. The House of InnerPower reserves the right to change the program at any time. Any changes will, as far as possible, be announced in advance by means of a message on the website and/or by email.
8.2 The location where the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat takes place can be found on the website. House of InnerPowerreserves the right to change the location at any time should this be necessary. If this is the case, the Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat will take place in a similar location with similar facilities in the same region. Any changes will, as far as possible, be announced in advance by means of a message on the website and/or by email.
- Own risk & Liability
9.1 Participating in the program is at your own risk. House of InnerPower accepts no liability whatsoever for bodily injury, damage and/or loss of property related to carrying out the activities associated with the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats at House of InnerPower.
9.2 House of InnerPower only works with certified Yoga teachers. Nevertheless, there is always the chance to sustain an injury during a yoga class. By participating in a Workshop, Course, Lesson, Holiday, Training or Retreat at House of InnerPowerLifestyle, the Participant accepts this risk of an injury.
House of InnerPower offers the following guidelines to reduce the risk of an injury:
– In case of injuries or other bodily injury or pregnancy, it is advisable to first consult with a doctor or treating specialist whether you can start practicing an activity related to the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats.
– If you have an injury or other physical discomfort or in case of pregnancy, always communicate this to the House of InnerPowerteam before you join the activity related to the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats begins.
– Listen to, and follow the instructions of, the relevant supervisor of House of InnerPowerLifestyle.
– Carefully review the activities associated with the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Training and Retreats and listen to your physical limitations.
– Do not perform any activities associated with the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats that are painful.
– Ask questions when you do not understand an activity related to the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Training and Retreats.
- Medical disclaimer
10.1 The activities associated with the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats, including yoga & meditation sessions, training courses and walks, such as those offered, are intended as leisure activities and not as a replacement for medically necessary treatments or therapies. Always discuss physical and/or psychological complaints with a qualified specialist.
10.2 Always report to the supervisor of House of InnerPower whether you have physical complaints prior to the activity related to the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats. Perhaps the supervisor of House of InnerPowercan adapt the program to this or give individual exercises. Do not force anything and take physical complaints seriously. Participation is always at your own risk.
10.3 You declare that you refrain from claims against House of InnerPower and its escorts for any injury and any damage that you may incur and that may be related to participation in the activities associated with the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats.
- Health statement
11.1 When registering, the participant must always state any physical and/or psychological complaints, as well as the use of medication. Physical and/or psychological complaints arising after booking the trip must be reported to the House of InnerPower immediately.
11.2 Failure to provide this information, incomplete or incorrect, may result in exclusion from (further) participation. Any costs resulting from this will then be borne by the participant.
11.3 House of InnerPower can, after requesting the booking, send a questionnaire or organize a short telephone interview to ask for any physical and/or psychological complaints. Based on this information, House of InnerPower can decide to exclude participants with severe physical and/or psychological complaints from the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats. The activities offered during the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats are intended as leisure activities and not as a replacement for medically necessary treatments or therapy.
- Personal data
12.1 House of InnerPower collects personal data from the Participants for its own customer base, for carrying out payment orders and for the administration of the applications. House of InnerPower handles this collection of personal data carefully and always adheres to the provisions of the Privacy Law.
12.2 House of InnerPower also uses the personal data collected in article 11.1 to inform the Participant of future activities of House of InnerPowerand any changes to, for example, the program or location. If the Participant does not (anymore) want to receive communication from House of InnerPower, this can be communicated in writing via e-mail to info@innerpoweryoga.eu.
The participant is aware that in that case all information, services and products of House of InnerPower may not be used.
12.3 The House of InnerPower never transfers the personal data of the Participant to third parties without prior written permission.
- Applicable law and dispute resolution
13.1 Only Dutch Law applies to the General Terms and Conditions.
13.2 Complaints must be communicated in writing and motivated to the House of InnerPower within 30 days after the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats have taken place. The person complaining will receive a response within 14 days.
13.3 Any disputes relating to the General Terms and Conditions, the Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Holidays, Trainings and Retreats, a Membership, or attending (private) yoga class (s) at House of InnerPower will be settled exclusively by a recognized mediator.
- Behavior Participant
14.1 The House of InnerPower expects the participants to behave respectfully towards each other and the organization. In case of misconduct (drugs and excessive drinking, aggressive behavior, unwanted intimacies, vandalism or theft), exclusion from further participation in the program will take place.
- Damage
15.1 Any costs because of damage will be covered by the person causing the damage.