Nam id sem quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra.
Duis ornare, est at lobortis mollis, felis libero mollis orci, vitae congue neque lectus vel neque. Aliquam ultrices erat.
Etiam sodales metus et ex tincidunt, at semper augue tempus. Suspendisse iaculis luctus vestibulum. Mauris ornare dignissim est ut semper. Mauris interdum lobortis bibendum. Donec vehicula velit commodo tristique ultrices. Phasellus et semper velit. Mauris sodales id ex sit amet gravida.
Nullam in massa ac felis consequat dictum at ac ex. Maecenas varius lobortis nisi et porta. Phasellus purus quam, tempus et lorem dapibus, feugiat varius augue.
5 Element Breath We human beings recognize the physical world around us through our five organs of perception and without them we would not be aware of the physical world. Our five senses of: Hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. This fact is self-evident and most people are aware of it. What is not so […]
Qigong or “life-force cultivation” is a form of Taoist yoga, with roots in ancient China. Along with supporting general health and wellbeing, qigong practice is the internal foundation of all of the martial arts. Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, […]
Best Free Yoga Channels on YouTube You don’t need a studio or a scheduled time to fit in your yoga practice. Whenever you aren’t able to get to a public yoga class, you can turn to YouTube for a wide variety of free yoga videos that vary in teaching style, discipline, focus, etc. You Tube […]
The Stimulating Breath (also called the Bellows Breath) The Stimulating Breath is adapted from yogic breathing techniques. Its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness. How to do the stimulating breath: Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in […]
Krishnamacharya (November 18, 1888 – February 28, 1989) No one has had more of an impact on how yoga is taught and practiced in the West than T. Krishnamacharya. His students included some of today’s most influential teachers: B.K.S. Iyengar, T. K. V. Desikachar, the late K. Pattabhi Jois, and the late Indra Devi. Krishnamacharya […]
A nice short meditation to Renew and Relax.